Web3 101: Workshop

18 November 2023

Explore Cryptocurrencies and Web3 Workshop Enterprise Cayman

Explore Cryptocurrencies and Web3

Saturday, 18 November 2023 • The Innovation Room at Strathvale • 10am - 6pm 

Blockchain tech is creating a wave of new decentralized applications (dapps) that offer resilience and transparent systems of trust. In this beginner-friendly course, you'll get to explore what real problems this technology is solving in Web3 101, and learn how you can adopt the best practices of managing a crypto wallet to control your own bitcoin and NFTs. Get a taste of web3 with the Code Fellows approach to hands-on learning. You will experience creating a wallet, using crypto assets, and even build your own NFT in this 8-hour workshop. Whether you're new to the world of blockchain or seeking to expand your knowledge, this course is tailored to equip you with the fundamental and basic skills to thrive in this exciting digital landscape.

Please note space is limited. RSVP below. 

Course Details

Course Instructor

  • Derek Flossman, Blockchain Association of the Cayman Islands (BACI) Steering Committee Member
  • Brook Riggio, VP of Education at Code Fellows  

In this workshop, you will:

  • Perform financial transactions using Bitcoin (we'll give you a little to start with).
  • Establish and protect secure wallets for crypto transactions.
  • Mint (create) NFTs that you own, on-chain.
  • Move assets across different blockchains.
  • Learn to DYOR (do your own research) so you can evaluate new projects in crypto.
  • Explore career pathways to in-demand jobs in web3.


  • General familiarity with using a computer.
  • Comfort with web applications like Facebook, Google Docs, or Outlook.
  • Recommended typing speed of at least 30 words per minute.


  • What is web3?
    Get a foundation in blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs.
    Learn what's so revolutionary about it all.
  • How does web3 work?
    Hands-on practice with using Bitcoin and Ethereum.
    Secure your crypto wallets with industry best practices.
    Team-based exercises in learning to "DYOR" (do your own research).
  • What does a career in web3 look like?
    Explore career pathways.
    Extend with continuous education.

Material Requirements
You are required to attend with a laptop that has the Brave web browser installed (no extensions). Your computer should allow you to participate in the Zoom call, while simultaneously using web browsers for accessing resources online. You also need your own mobile device that can install apps from the App Store / Play Store, on which you will set up a mobile crypto wallet.

Also, bring a USB flash drive to use as a backup for your crypto wallet. It does not need to be bigger than 4GB (which is typically the smallest you can buy), as it will only need to hold a few text files.

Punctuality, participation in discussions, completion of assignments, and demonstration of professional courtesy to others are required, in accordance with our Code of Conduct. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the workshop. Passing requires attendance at the full workshop.

Please note space is limited. RSVP below. 

Cayman Enterprise city Code Fellows BACI Web3 Workshop


Register Today!

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